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Wat ongeveer Everymusic.org allen is

Listen and download MP3 for free!

We have over 20.000 music files in format mp3 for you to listen - at no cost. Music on Everymusic.org you can listen whenever and wherever!

How to do it:

1) Search ofr an mp3 or get directed by our music charts

2) Click the button for playing

3) Voilà! Plenty of free mp3!

You can create your own music playlists!

In just a few clicks you can create your own playlist to listen to. To such a playlist you can add as many tunes as you want.

How to do it:

1) Search a tune you like

2) Click on the "Add to playlist" icon next to a tune to add it to your playlist

3) Open up your playlist and listen to it instead of online radios!

Watch music videos!

Choose from our offer of more than 1.000 videos in such as good quality as possible! Real music fan does not put up with a tune, only video can bring him/her a real music experience near!

How to do it:

1) Search for a video

2) Click the video for playing

3) Enjoy every detail of our videos!

Express yourself!

There are plenty of opportunities for you to express your opinions about different tunes, artists or videos. For instance, you can rate and comment all tunes, videos or artists and at the same time affect the charts of most popular mp3 and videos!

How to do it:

1) Find a tune, video or artist

2) Leave your comment or rate tune or video by choosing how many stars you think it deserves

Manage your blog!

For creative music fans we prepared their own blog. Share your opinions and your sight of the world with others.!

How to do it:

1) Open your profile

2) Click the "Blog" icon

3) Write your first entry!

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